Katarzyna Polic-Patkowska

Katarzyna Polic-Patkowska

She is a graduate of the WSH in Wrocław at the Faculty of Art and Technology in the field of Interior Design. In our Center, she is responsible for planning, course and monitoring of patient's visits and the quality of service. Coordinates the work of the reception.

Provides information about services provided by doctors. Always kind, smiling and focused on professional patient service. Creative and hard-working, she is responsible for the daily organization of the working day in our Centre.

She gained her experience in working at the University of Wrocław in the Sports Facilities section.

Her passion is painting, her own technique, acrylic on canvas. The paintings can be seen both at individual and collective exhibitions, in clubs, at auctions, festivals and vernissages, they also add an artistic glow to the walls in our Centre.