Selection of compression products

Selection of compression products

Compression products (knee socks, stockings or tights) are essential in the entire process of treating varicose veins. They consist of a special knitted fabric that exerts pressure on the limb. Compression products are used both in the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. The degree of pressure of the compression products and the type of material are selected by the doctor after excluding any contraindications to their use.


Prophylaxis - in each case of visible, dilated venous vessels of the lower extremities.

Treatment - always after sclerotherapy in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure (faster and permanent closure of the injected veins).

Purpose of wearing

It supports the outflow of venous blood from the lowest sections of the lower limbs. Prophylactic use of compression products is aimed at slowing down the development of chronic venous disease and is recommended especially for people from families suffering from venous disease, for women during pregnancy, when the outflow of blood from the lower limbs is difficult, for people leading a sedentary or standing lifestyle.


The condition for the effective use of compression products is their proper selection and proper putting on, as well as their systematic use. The optimal prophylactic and therapeutic effect is obtained using only professional, proven medical products (guaranteeing the maintenance of proper pressure for about 6 months).