

What is it

A modern device used for microneedle mesotherapy. The essence of treatment is the insertion of the appropriate substance through a series of shallow, superficial punctures, using a specialized head. The head automatically punctures the skin with a dozen pulsating micro-needles made of surgical steel. The needles penetrate to a depth of 0.5 mm to 2 mm, which allows the insertion of active substances into the skin. Each time the procedure is performed using a sterile disposable head. Treatments are used both for prophylactic purposes and in the treatment of existing lesions.


Fine wrinkles, lack of firmness and hydration, dull skin, lacking radiance, wide pores, minor discoloration, minor acne scars, stretch marks

How it works

The treatment uses the body's natural ability to regenerate the skin after micro-injuries. It stimulates the production of collagen fibers and elastin through mechanical stimulation, it also increases the permeability of the skin, thanks to which the substances given in the preparation additionally stimulates the skin during the treatment.


Microcirculation improves and tissues are oxygenated. Fine wrinkles are reduced. The skin is better nourished and moisturized, regains its glow.

Is the procedure painful?

Before the procedure (for about 1 hour), a skin anesthetic cream can be used, then the procedure is almost painless. A thin needle and a fast pace of the treatment additionally reduce the pain.

How often is the procedure performed

Treatments should be performed in several series (3-5 times), every 2-4 weeks, then the effect is the best and lasts a long time. The procedure takes about 1 hour.

Recommendations after injections

Directly after the injection, up to 12 hours after the procedure, the area under the procedure should not be warmed up (sun, tanning bed) or strongly cooled. You should also not wash your head on this day. Keep at least a 2-week interval between the next aesthetic or cosmetic treatment (including massage). Please note that the full series of treatments gives the best effect.

Side Effects

Reddening of the skin occurs immediately after the injection. Local reactions at the injection site are very rare. Most of them are moderate severity, most often pain and slight swelling. These symptoms are transient and of a short duration.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding, skin and inflammatory infections, e.g. acne, severe allergy, especially to HA, recurrent streptococcal infections (angina, articular rheumatism), immunity disorders, tendency to colloids (keloids). In addition, severe heart rhythm disturbances, epilepsy, porphyria, and taking drugs that inhibit liver metabolism (cimetidine, B blockers). Anticoagulant therapy, aspirin, vitamin C increase the risk of hematomas, so it is recommended to discontinue them, if possible, 1-2 weeks before the planned procedure.