Platelet-rich Plasma

Platelet-rich Plasma

What is it

Platelet-rich plasma PRP, also known as the "vampire facelift", is a natural, safe treatment, dedicated to people, who cannot use other preparations, e.g. due to allergies. PRP is an autologous preparation, i.e. it is obtained from the patient's own blood.


Small wrinkles, dips and moisturizing of the skin around the face, examination, neckline and hands, difficult healing after treatments, minor acne scars, male pattern baldness.

How it works

After centrifuging the blood, active platelets are obtained from the plasma. They contain growth factors, that stimulate the multiplication and maturation of epidermis cells, stimulate the synthesis of the intercellular matrix, activate microcirculation, and stimulate collagen production.


Receiving PRP has three steps: retrieval, centrifugation, and needle-needle data retrieval in the file. Platelet-rich plasma is obtained from the patient's own blood taken from a vein. Then, the collected blood is centrifuged in a special treatment, thanks to which a platelet concentrate rich in medium height is obtained. PRP is obtained through blood centrifugation process in an outpatient setting, starting with waiting for meeting the requirements for sterility and accuracy of the device, which means quality and obtaining status. The concentrate obtained in this way is administered in the form of mesotherapy, with a syringe and a thin needle in the area of ​​the skin, requiring regeneration. A series of several such treatments should be performed at intervals of about 3 weeks. The procedure may only be performed by a doctor. Before the procedure, local anesthesia with cream can be used.


The first effects of the treatment are visible after two weeks. Tissue reconstruction begins 48 hours after the first treatment. After three treatments in the 0-1-6 month schedule, the skin is regenerated, its tension increases and its color improves, wound healing is accelerated, and hair growth is stimulated.


Above all, diseases of the blood, liver, infections, pregnancy and lactation, chronic use of aspirin.