

What is it

The treatment uses a combination of two products: a mesotherapy preparation and botox.


It is very effective treatment in removing the first signs of aging on the face, neck and décolletage. Other indications are: treatment of hyperhidrosis or excessive production of sebum in the face.

How it works

The preparation for mesotherapy contains hyaluronic acid, which intensely hydrates the skin and stimulates the production of collagen, while botox reduces muscle mobility, eliminating mimic wrinkles. Such a cocktail is administered subcutaneously by multiple injections.


As a result, we relax muscles, soothes facial expression, smooth wrinkles and revitalize the skin, without changing facial features. The treatment also inhibits the excessive activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands. The effect of the treatments lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Recommendations after injection

Directly after the injection, the face area should not be warmed up (sun, tanning bed) or strongly cooled. It is not allowed to bend down, lie down or consume alcohol up to 4 hours after the procedure. Makeup should also be avoided in order not to increase the risk of infection after punctures. Also, do not apply pressure to or massage the injection sites.

Side Effects

Reactions at the injection site are extremely rare, short-lived and transient. There may be bruising, temporary weakness of the adjacent muscle. Their cause is individual sensitivity to the drug.


Pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age, people who are hypersensitive to the ingredients of the preparation (mainly proteins - albumin), patients with muscle weakness disorders (myasthenia gravis), inflammatory skin diseases (especially purulent, e.g. with acne) and in parallel with some antibiotics or antispasmodics. We do not repeat the procedure to people who develop a strong inflammatory reaction after the injection. The use of anticoagulants is a relative contraindication.