Pigmented Birthmarks

Pigmented Birthmarks

What is it

Pigmented lesions are a group of pigmented lesions and are the result of local accumulation of pigment cells - melanocytes in the skin. Colloquially known as "moles".

The reasons

Pigment disorders result from disturbances in the production and distribution of the natural pigment, melanin, in the skin. Congenital pigmented moles are present from birth. Most often they are single, small changes, often hair grows out of them. These are rarely big changes.

On the other hand, the acquired pigmentary marks appear in childhood. They are most often multiple and have the size of a few millimeter grains. They can develop (grow) with age. Acquired pigmented birthmarks can be found among practically every adult. There are two types of birthmarks: mild and atypical. While in the first group the risk of cancer development is low, the atypical, usually asymmetrical moles may become malignant towards melanoma. There are several other types of birthmarks that vary in shape, structure and color.

The birthmarks should be monitored systematically, and in the event of any disturbing symptoms, such as discoloration, redness, itching, or burning, consult a specialist.

Periodic diagnosis of birthmarks is very important. On the basis of the dermatoscopic examination, the doctor determines the further procedure - removal of the lesion or regular inspection every 6-12 months and the use of prophylaxis - sun protection.
